Concert Reviews in Soundboard Magazine, Guitar Foundation of America Festival
Review by Mark Switzer, Sounboard
Evan Hirschelman played a very interesting and effective recital of his own compositions. I like very much the opening introduction with the harmonic bends and middle eastern-esque melodic material, which was then followed by “Arise” (from Suite No.1), an effective display of repeated chord dynamics. Pace and Approach, an impressive display of pull-off and arpeggio textures, was next, followed by Homage to Michael Hedges, a very Hedgian composition full of left-hand slurs, slapping effects, etc. Hirschelman closed with Textures for Solo Guitar. All in all, a very impressive display of his compositional skills and guitar abilities. -Mark Switzer, Soundboard Magazine
Evan Hirschelman played a very interesting and effective recital of his own compositions. I like very much the opening introduction with the harmonic bends and middle eastern-esque melodic material, which was then followed by “Arise” (from Suite No.1), an effective display of repeated chord dynamics. Pace and Approach, an impressive display of pull-off and arpeggio textures, was next, followed by Homage to Michael Hedges, a very Hedgian composition full of left-hand slurs, slapping effects, etc. Hirschelman closed with Textures for Solo Guitar. All in all, a very impressive display of his compositional skills and guitar abilities. -Mark Switzer, Soundboard Magazine
Review by Joseph Mayes, Sounboard
The second half of the concert was by Evan Hirschelman playing a complete program of his own compositions. I looked at the program and stifled a groan. Complete programs by any one composer-even Bach-tend toward the tedious. When combined with the performer playing his own works, the result can be deadly. When the concert began, I was mesmerized. Not only does Hirschelman have the technique to play anything he wants to, but his compositions are interesting and attractive. This is a young man to watch! -Joseph Mayes, Soundboard Magazine